Thank you for taking the time to contact us with your question in forums.
From the Calendar, you can access past promos and make a selection to view the general description of the promotion and the results, if they are available.
The results from some promotions, such as Naughty Nurse, are tabulated faster than larger promotions such as Fiesta de Mayo. This is because the Naughty Nurse promotion was one day and the Fiesta de Mayo promotion was over the course of five days. As soon as the results are finalized, they will be published on that page. -EJ
Should you still have any questions, please feel free to contact our 24/7 Customer Service Department by phone, email, or live chat. A representative is always available to assist you.
Phone: 1-800-685-9236 (USA only)
Int’l Phone: +1-818-880-9021 (Outside USA) Quote